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Research NCKU
Selected Publications in Psychology
Liao, M.-J., Wu, Y., & Sheu, C.-F. (2014).
Effects of perceptual complexity on older and younger adults' target acquisition performance.
Behaviour & Information Technology,
33(6), 591-605.
Michel, G.F., Babik, I., Sheu, C.-F., & Campbell, J.M. (2014).
Latent classes in the developmental trajectories of infant
Developmental Psychology,
50(2), 349-359.
Causeur, D., Chu, M.-C., Hsieh, S. &
Sheu, C.-F. (2012).
A factor-adjusted multiple testing procedure for ERP
data analysis.
Behavior Research Methods,
44(3), 635-643.
Cheng, C.-P., Sheu, C.-F., & Yen, N.-S. (2009).
A mixed-effects expectancy-valence model for the Iowa gambling task.
Behavior Research Methods,
41(3), 657-663.
Sheu, C.-F., Lee, Y.-S., & Shih, P.-Y. (2008).
Analyzing recognition performance with sparse data.
Behavior Research Methods,
40(3), 722-727.
Sheu, C.-F. (2006).
Triadic judgments models and Weber's law.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology,
50, 302-308.
Sheu, C.-F., Chen, C.-T., Su, Y.-H., & Wang, W.-C. (2005).
Using SAS PROC NLMIXED to fit item response theory models.
Behavior Research Methods,
37(2), 202-218.
Papademetriou, E., Sheu, C.-F., & Michel, G.F. (2005).
A meta-analysis of primate hand preferences: Particularly for reaching.
Journal of Comparative Psychology,
119(1), 33-48.
Karabatsos, G., & Sheu, C.-F. (2004).
Order-constrained Bayes inference for dichotomous models of
unidimensional non-parametric IRT.
Applied Psychological Measurement,
28(2), 110-125.
Sheu, C.-F. (2000).
Regression analysis of correlated binary outcomes.
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers,
32(2), 269-273.
Anderson, J.R., & Sheu, C.-F. (1995).
Causal inferences as perceptual judgments.
Memory and Cognition,
23(4), 510-524.
Sheu, C.-F., & Ratcliff, R. (1995).
The application of Fourier deconvolution to reaction time data:
A cautionary note.
Psychological Bulletin,
118(2), 285-299.
Ratcliff, R., Sheu, C.-F., & Gronlund, S. (1992).
Testing global memory models using ROC curves.
Psychological Review,
99(3), 518-535.
Iverson, G.J., & Sheu, C.-F. (1992).
Characterizing random variables in the context of signal detection theory.
Mathematical Social Sciences,
23(2), 151-174.
Sheu, C.-F. (1992).
A note on the multiple-trace memory model
without simulation.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology,
36(4), 592-597.
Sheu, C.-F. (1990).
Bi-scalable and difference representations for triadic judgments.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology,
34(1), 42-56.
Selected Publications in Medicine
Howe, T.-H., Sheu, C.-F., Wang. T.-N., & Hsu, Y.-W. (2014).
Parenting stress in families with very low birth weight preterm infants in
early infancy.
Research in Developmental Disabilities,
35(7), 1748-1756.
Howe, T.-H., Sheu, C.-F., Hinojosa, J., Lin, J., & Holzman, I.R. (2007).
Multiple factors related to bottle-feeding performance in preterm infants.
Nursing Research,
56(5), 307-311.
Galluzzi, S., Sheu, C.-F., Zanetti, O., & Frisoni, G.B.
(2005). Distinctive clinical features of mild cognitive impairment
with subcortical cerebrovascular disease.
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders,
19(4), 196-203.
Hsieh, C.-L., Sheu, C.-F., Hsueh, I.-P., & Wang, C.-H. (2002).
Trunk control as an early predictor of comprehensive activities
of daily living function in stroke patients.
33(11), 2626-2630.
Selected Publications in Education, Statistics, and Computer software
Causeur, D., Sheu, C.-F., Perthame, E., & Rufini, F. (2020).
A functional generalized F-test for signal detection with application to
event-related potential significance analysis.
76(1), 246-256.
Hung, S.-P., Sheu, C.-F., & Lavallee, J. (2018).
Mokken scale analysis for educational and psychological testing: Two applications.
Psychological Testing,
65(2), 181-215.
Yu , C.-L., & Sheu, C.-F. (2018).
EFAshiny: An user-friendly shiny application for exploratory factor analysis.
Journal of Open Source Software,
3(22), 567-568.
Sheu, C.-F., Perthame, E., Lee, Y.S., & Causeur, D. (2016).
Accounting for time dependence in large-scale multiple
testing of event-related potential data.
The Annals of Applied Statistics,
10(1), 219-245.
Chi, F.-A., & Sheu, C.-F. (2015).
Using R to analyze international large-scase educational assessment data.
Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly,
23(4), 121-153.